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Studies Hepatitis B vaccination

Hepatitis B vaccination and vision damage


  • Albitar S, et al. Bilateral retrobulbar optic neuritis with hepatitis B vaccination. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997 Oct;12(10):2169-70.
  • Achiron LR, et al. Postinfectious hepatitis B optic neuritis. Optom Vis Sci 1994;71:53-6. Arya SC., et al. Ophthalmic complications of vaccines against hepatitis B virus. Int Ophthalmol. 1997;21(3):177-8.
  • Baglivo E, et al. Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome after hepatitis B vaccine. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996 Sep;122(3):431-2.
  • Berkman N, Benzarti T, Dhaoui R, Mouly P., et al. [Bilateral neuro-papillitis after hepatitis B vaccination] Presse Med. 1996 Sep 28;25(28):1301. French.
  • Berkman N. [A case of segmentary unilateral occlusion of the central retinal vein following hepatitis B vaccination]. Presse Med. 1997 Apr 26;26(14):670. French.
  • Bourges JL, Pisella PJ, Laurens C, Limon S. [Multifocal placoid epitheliopathy and anti-hepatitis B vaccination] J Fr Ophtalmol. 1998 Nov;21(9):696-700. French.
  • Brezin A, et al. Visual loss and eosinophilia after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet. 1993 Aug 28;342(8870):563-4.
  • Brezin AP, Massin-Korobelnik P, Boudin M, Gaudric A, LeHoang P., et al. Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy after hepatitis B vaccine. Arch Ophthalmol. 1995 Mar;113(3):297-300.
  • Galli M, Morelli R, Casellato A, et al. Retrobulbar optic neuritis in a patient with acute type B hepatitis. Neurol Sci 1986;72:195-200.
  • Granel B, et al. [Occlusion of the central retinal vein after vaccination against viral hepatitis B with recombinant vaccines. 4 cases]. Presse Med. 1997 Feb 1;26(2):62-5. French.
  • McKibbin M, et al. Bilateral optic neuritis after hepatitis A. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1995 Apr;58(4):508.
  • Voigt U, Baum U, Behrendt W, Hegemann S, Terborg C, Strobel J. [Neuritis of the optic nerve after vaccinations against hepatitis A, hepatitis B and yellow fever] Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2001 Oct;218(10):688-90. German.
  • Hepatits B vaccination and hearing loss:


  • Orlando MP, Masieri S, Pascarella MA, Ciofalo A. Filiaci F, et al, “Sudden hearing loss Consequent to Hepatitis B Vaccination: a case report.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1997 Dec 29, 830: 319-321
  • Biacabe B, Erminy M, Bonfils P, et al, “A Case of Fluctuant Sensorineural Hearing Loss consequent to Hepatitis B Vaccination: a case report.” Auris Nasus Larynx. 1997 Oct; 24(4): 357-360.

    Hepatitis B vaccination and other medical conditions:


  • Herroelen L. de Keyser J. Ebinger G. Central nervous system demyelination after immunization with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet, 1991 Nov 9; 338 (8776):1174-75.
  • Ribera ER. Dutka AJ. Polyneuropathy associated with administration of hepatitis B vaccine. N Engl J Med. 1983 Sep 8;309(10):614-5.
  • Snider GB. Gogate SA. A possible systemic reaction to hepatitis B vaccine. JAMA 1985 Mar 1;253(9):1260-1.
  • Fried M. Conen D. Conzelmann M. Steinemann E. Uveitis after hepatitis B vaccination. Lancet, 1987 Sep 12;2(8559:631-2.
  • Shaw FE Jr. Graham DJ. Guess HA, et al. Postmarketing surveillance for neurologic adverse events reported after hepatitis B vaccination. Experience of the first three years. Am J Epidemiol 1988 Feb;127(s):337-52.
  • Biron P. Montpetit P. Infante-Rivard C. Lery L. Myasthenia gravis after general anesthesia and hepatitis B vaccine. Arch Intern Med. 1988 Dec;148(12):2685.
  • Goolsby PL. Erythema nodosum after Recombivax HB hepatitis B vaccine. N Engl J Med 1989 Oct;321:1198-9.
  • Anonymous, hepatitis B vaccines: reported reactions. World Health Organization Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin. August 1990.
  • Cockwell P. Allen MB. Page R. Vasculitis related to hepatitis B vaccine. BMJ 1990 Dec 1;301(6763):1281.
  • Tudela P. Marti S. Bonal J. Systemic lupus erthemoatosus and vaccination against hepatitis B. Nephron 1992 62(2):236.
  • Ganry O. Lerailler F. Vercelleto M. Chiffoleau A. Larouse C. Peripheral facial paralysis following vaccination against hepatitis B. Apropos of a case. Therapie. 1992;47:437-438.
  • Trevisani F. Gattinara GC. Caraceni P, et al. Transverse myelitis following hepatitis B vaccination. J Hepatol 1993 Sep;19(2):317-8.
  • Mahassin F. Algayres JP. Valmary J, et al. Acute myelitis after vaccination against hepatitis B. Presse Med 1993 Dec 18;22(40):1997-8.
  • Nadler JP. Multiple sclerosis and hepatitis B vaccination. Clin Infect Dis 1993 Nov:17(5):928-9.
  • Brezin A. Lautier-Frau M. Hamedani M. Rogeaux O. Hoang PL. Visual loss and eosinophilia after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet 1993 Aug 28;342(8870):563-4.
  • Trevisian G. Stinco G. Lichen rubber planus following HBV vaccination. Acta Dermato-Venereologica 1993 Feb;73(1):73.
  • Castresana-Isla CJ. Herrera-Martinez G. Vega-Molina J. Erythema nodosum and Takayasu's arteritis after immunization with plasma derived hepatitis B vaccine. J Rheumatol 1993 Aug;20(8):1417-8.
  • Allen MB. Cockwell P. Page RL. Pulmonary and cutaneous vasculitis following hepatitis B vaccination. Thorax 1993 May;48(5):580-1.
  • Deisenhammer F. Pohl P. Bosch S. Schmidauer C. Acute cerebellar ataxia after immunisation with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Acta Neurol Scand 1994 Jun;89(6):462-3.
  • Vautier G. Carty JE. Acute sero-positive rheumatoid arthritis occurring after hepatitis vaccination. Br J Rheumatol 1994 Oct;33(10):991.
  • Hassan W. Oldham R. Reiter's syndrome and reactive arthritis in health care workers after vaccination. BMJ 1994 Jul 9;309(6967):94.
  • Aubin F. Angonin R. Humbert P. Agache P. Lichen planus following hepatitis B vaccination. Archives of Dermatology. 1994 Oct;130(10):1329-30.
  • Birley HD. Arya OP. Hepatitis B immunisation and reactive arthritis. BMJ 1994 Dec;309(6967):1514.
  • Poullin P. Gabriel B. Thrombocytopenic purpura after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet 1994 Nov;344(8932):1293.
  • Di Lernia V. Lo Scocco G. Bisighini G. Erythema multiforme following hepatitis B vaccine. Ped Derma 1994 Dec;11(4):363-4.
  • Fraser PA. Wilson JD. Reiter's syndrome attributed to hepatitis B immunisation. BMJ 1994 Dec;309(6967):1513.
  • Lilic D. Ghosh SK. Liver dysfunction and DNA antibodies after hepatitis B vaccination. Lancet 1994 Nov;344(8932):1292-3.
  • Brezin AP. Massin-Korobelnik P. Boudin B., et al. Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy after hepatitis B vaccine. Arch Ophthal 1995 Mar;113(3):297-300.
  • Gross K. Combe C. Kruger K. Schattenkkirchner M. Arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination. Report of three cases. Scand J Rheumatol. 1995;24(1):50-2.
  • Kaplanski G. Retornaz F. Durand J. Soubeyrand J. Central nervous system demyelination after vaccination against hepatitis B and HLA haplotype. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995 Jun;58(6):758-9.
  • Tartaglino LM. Heiman-Patterson T. Friedman DP. Flanders AE. MR imaging in a case of postvaccination myelitis. AJNR Am J Neuroadiol 1995;16(3):581-2.
  • Macario F. Freitas L. Correira J., et al. Nephrotic syndrome after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Clin Nephrol 1995 May;43(5):349.
  • Germanaud J. Causse X. Trinh DH., et al. A case of severe cytolysis after hepatitis B vaccination. Amer J Med 1995 Jun;98(6):595-6.
  • Meyboom RH. Fucik H. Edwards IR. Thrombocytopenia reported in association with hepatitis B and A vaccines. Lancet 1995 Jun;345(8965):1638.
  • Aherne P. Collins M. Psoriatic arthropathy. Irish Medical Journal 1995 Mar-Apr;88(2):72.
  • Guiserix J. Systemic lupus erythematosus following hepatitis B vaccine. Nephron 1996;74(2):441.
  • Bonfils P. Biacabe B. Potard G. Aidan D. Fluctuant perception hearing loss after hepatitis B vaccine. Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac 1996;113(6):359-61.
  • Baglivo E. Safran AB. Borruat FX. Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome after hepatitis B vaccine. Am J Ophthalmol 1996 Sep;122(3):431-2.
  • Grezard P. Chefai M. Philipott V. Perrot H. Faisant M. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus and buccal aphthosis after hepatitis B vaccination in a 6-year old child. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 1996;123(10):657-9.
  • Classen JB. The diabetes epidemic and the hepatitis B vaccines. New Zealand Med J. 1996 Sep;109(1030):366.
  • Classen JB. Childhood immunisation and diabetes mellitus. New Zealand Med J 1996 May;109(1022):195.
  • Manna R. De Santis A. Oliviero A., et al. Leukoencephalitis after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. J Hepatol. 1996 June;24(6):764-5.
  • Devin F. Roques G. Disdier P., et al. Occlusion of central retinal vein after hepatitis B vaccination. Lancet 1996 Jun;347(9015):1626.
  • Cohen AD. Shoenfeld Y. Vaccine-induced autoimmunity. J Autoimmunity 1996 Dec;9(6):699-703.
  • Mathieu E. Fain O. Krivitzky A. Cryoglobulinemia after hepatitis B vaccination. New England J Med 1996 Aug;335(5):335.
  • Dauod MS. Dicken CH. Anetoderma after hepatitis B immunization in two siblings. J Amer Acad Dermo 1997 May;36(5 Pt 1): 779-80.
  • Harrison BJ. Thomson W. Pepper L, et al. Patients who develop inflammatory polyarthritis (IP) after immunization are clinically indistinguishable from other patients with IP. Br J Rheumatol 1997 Mar;36(3):366-9.
  • Wise RP. Kiminyo KP. Salive ME. Hair loss after routine immunizations. JAMA 1997 Oct 8;278(14):1176-8.
  • Song HK. Kim HC. Yun YH. Acute Myelitis after hepatitis B vaccination. J Korean Med Sci 1997 Jun;12(3):249-51.
  • Granel B. Disdier P. Devin F, et al. Occlusion of the central retinal vein after vaccination against viral hepatitis B with recombinant vaccines. 4 cases. Presse Med 1997 Feb 1;26(2):62-5.
  • Saywell CA. Wittal RA. Kossard S. Lichenoid reaction to hepatitis B vaccination. Australasian J Derm 1997 Aug;38(3):152-4.
  • Biacabe B. Erminy M. Bonfils P. A case report of fluctuant sensorineural hearing loss after hepatitis B vaccination. Auris, Nasus, Larynx 1997 Oct;24(4):357-60.
  • Arya SC. Ophthalmic complications of vaccines against hepatitis B virus. Int Ophth 1997;21(3):177-8.
  • Bracci M. Zopinni A. Polyarthritis associated with hepatitis B vaccination. British J Rheumatol 1997 Feb;36(2):300-1.
  • Maillefert JF. Farge P. Gazet-Maillefert MP. Tavernier C. Mental nerve neuropathy as a result of hepatitis B vaccination. Oral Surg Oral Med Orla Path Oral Radio & Endo 1997 Jun;83(6):663-4.
  • Ranieri VM. Dell'Erba A. Gentile A., et al. Liver inflammation and acute respiratory distress syndrome in a patient receiving hepatitis B vaccine: a possible relationship?. Intensive Care Medicine 1997 Jan;23(1):119-21.
  • Kakar A. Sethi PK. Guillain Barre syndrome associated with hepatitis B vaccination. Indian J Ped 1997 Sept-Oct;64(5):710-2.
  • Orlando MP. Masieri S. Pascarella MA., et al. Sudden hearing loss in childhood consequent to hepatitis B vaccination: a case report. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1997 Dec;830:319-21.
  • Pope JE. Stevens A. Howson W. Bell DA. The development of rheumatoid arthritis after recombinant hepatitis B vaccination. J Rheumatol 1998 Sep;25(9):1687-93.
  • Neau D. Bonnet F. Michaud M, et al. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine: retrospective study of seven case. Scan J. Infect Dis 1998;30(2):115-8.
  • Ronchi F. Cecchi P. Falcioni F, et al. Thrombocytopenic purpura as adverse reaction to recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Arch Dis Child 1998 Mar;78(3):273-4.
  • Grasland A. Le Maitre F. Pouchot J, et al. Adult-onset Still's disease after hepatitis A and B vaccination? Rev Med Interne 1998 Feb;19(2):134-6.
  • Finielz P. Lam-Kam-San LF. Guiserix J. Systemic lupus erythematosus and thrombocytopenic purpura in two members of the same family following hepatitis B vaccine. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1998;13(9):2420-1.
  • Le Hello C. Cohen P. Bousser MG. Letellier P. Guillevin L: Suspected hepatitis B vaccination related vasculitis. J Rheumatol, 1999 Jan;26(1):191-4.
  • Renard JL. Guillamo JS. Ramirez JM, et al. Acute transverse cervical myelitis following hepatitis B vaccination. Evolution of anti-HBs antibodies. Presse Med 1999 Jul 3-10;28(24):1290-2.
  • Tourbah A. Gout O. Liblau R. Lyon-Caen O, et al. Encephalitis after hepatitis B vaccination: recurrent disseminated encephalitis or MS? Neurology 1999 Jul 22;53(2):396-401.
  • De Keyser F. Naeyaert JM. Hindryckx P, et al. Immune-mediated pathology following hepatitis B vaccination. Two cases of polyarteritis nodosa and one case of pityriasis rosea-like drug eruption. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2000 Jan-Feb;18(1):81-5.
  • Konstantinou D. Paschalis C. Maraziotis T, et al. Two episodes of leukoencephalites associated with recombinant hepatitis B vaccination in a single patient. Clin Inf Dis 2001 Nov 15;33:1772-3.
  • Creange A. Temam G. Lefaucher JP. Lumbosacral acute demyelinating polyneuropathy following hepatitis B vaccination. Autoimmunity 1999;30:143-6.
  • Usman A. Kimyai-Asadi A. Stiller MJ. Alam M. Lichenoid eruption following hepatitis B vaccination: first North American case report. Pediatr Dermatol. 2001 Mar-Apr;18(2):123-6.
  • Conesa V. Nunez MF. Navarro JF. Mompel A. Ruiz J. Gomez A. Thrombocytopenic Purpura after Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine. A rare association. Haematologica. 2001 Mar;86(3):E09
  • Zaas A. Scheel P. Venbrux A. Helmann DB. Large artery vasculitis following recombinant hepatitis B vaccination. 2 cases. J Rheumatol. 2001 May;28(5):1116-20.
  • Al-Khenaizan S. Lichen planus occurring after hepatitis B vaccination: a new case. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2001 Oct;45(4):614-5.
  • Barbaud A. Trechot P. Reichert-Penetrat S. Weber M. Schmutz JL. Allergic mechanisms and urticaria/angioedema after hepatitis B immunization. Br J Dermatol. 1998 Nov;139(5):925-6.
  • Ferrando MF. Doutre MS. Beylot-Barry M. Durand I. Beylot C. Lichen planus following hepatitis B vaccination. Br J Dermatol. 1998 Aug;139(2):350.
  • Rabaud C. Barbaud A. Trechot P. First case of erythermalgia related to hepatitis B vaccination. Journal of Rheumatol. 26(1):233-4, 1999 Jan.
  • Schupp P. Vente C. Lichen planus following hepatitis B vaccination. International Journal of Dermatol. 38(10):799-800, 1999 Oct.
  • Maillefert JF. Sibilia J. Toussirot E., et al. Rheumatic disorders developed after hepatitis B vaccination. Rheumatol (Oxford). 1999 Oct;38(10):978-83.
  • Fledelius HC. Unilateral papilloedema after hepatitis B vaccination in a migraine patient. A case report including forensic aspects. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 1999 Dec;77(6):722-4.
  • Muller A. Kertzscher F. Kiefel V. Lenk H. Thrombocytopenic purpura: adverse reaction to a combined immunisation (recombinant hepatitis B and measles-mumps-rubella-vaccine) and after therapy with Co-trimoxazole. Eur J Pediatr. 1999 Dec;158 Suppl 3:S209-10.
  • Stewart O. Chang B. Bradbury J. Simultaneous administration of hepatitis B and polio vaccines associated with bilateral optic neuritis. Br J Ophthalmol. 1999 Oct;83(10):1200-1.
  • Islek I. Cengiz K. Cakir M. Kucukoduk S. Nephrotic syndrome following hepatitis B vaccination. Pediatr Nephrol. 2000 Jan;14(1):89-90.
  • Loche F. Schwarze HP. Thedenat B. Carriere M. Bazex J. Erythema multiforme associated with hepatitis B immunization. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2000 Mar;25(2):167-8.
  • Viallard JF. Boiron JM. Parrens M. Moreau JF. Ranchin V. Reiffers J. Leng B. Pellegrin JL. Severe pancytopenia triggered by recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Br J Haematol. 2000 Jul;110(1):230-3.
  • Toussirot E. Lohse A. Wendling D. Mougin C. Sjogren's syndrome occurring after hepatitis B vaccination. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2000 Sep;43(9):2139-40.
  • Sinsawaiwong S. Thampanitchawong P. Guillain-Barre syndrome following recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and literature review. J Med Assoc Thai. 2000 Sep;83(9):1124-6.
  • Agrawal S. Garg VK. Joshi A. Agarwalla A. Sah SP. Lichen planus after HBV vaccination in a child: a case report from Nepal. J Dermatol. 2000 Sep;27(9):618-20.
  • Flemmer M. Oldfield EC 3rd. The bald truth. Am J Gastroenterol. 1999 Apr;94(4):1104.
  • Gran B. Bielekova B. McFarland HF. Martin R. Development of Multiple Sclerosis after hepatitis B vaccination. Neurol 2000;54(suppl 3):A164.
  • Biasi D. Carletto A. Caramaschi P. Frigo A. Pacor M. Bezzi D., et al. Rheumatological manisfestations following hepatitis B vaccination. Report of three cases. Scand J Rheumatol. 1995;24:50-52.
  • Rogerston SJ. Nye FJ. Hepatitis B vaccine associated with erythema nodosum and poly arthritis. BMJ. 1990;301:345.
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  • Nagafuchi S. Tokiyam K. Kashiwagi S. Yayashi S. Imayama S. Niho Y. Eosinophillia after intradermal hepatitis B vaccination. Lancet. 1993;342:998.
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