More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


Influence of the number of vaccinations on on the prevalence of diabetes, epilepsy(and non epileptic seizures), neurological, autoimmune  and thyroid disorders

Influence of the number of vaccinations on on the prevalence of fine motor skin problems, growth pains and disturbances, dentification problems and Scoliosis


Influence of the number of vaccinations on on the prevalence of otitis, sinusitis, polyps, herpes, warts and dermatophytes

Influence of the number of vaccinations on on the prevalence of extreme crying, ADHD, autism, migraines, concentration and sleep problems

Reported cases:
vaccindamage database

New Children Book!

Sarah english 300 Sarah spanisch 300 Sarah franz 300 Sara ital 300 Sarah russisch 300 Sarah dutch

 VaccineFreebookcoverimageVida sin vacunas cover 150



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